The JATC has changed our apprentice tracking software program. The NTAS program is longer supported by the software developer. The new apprentice tracking software is TradeSchool. Please review the following instructions to submit your monthly work hours:

To set up your account:

Your account is now set up.

This apprentice tracking software program has a few features that are different than the old one. Please review the information below. The new system is designed to enter and save your ojt on a daily basis. This system will not allow you to enter more than 24 hours in a category per date. You will only click on the submit button at the end of the month.

There are no changes to the penalties associated with late work report submissions. See below:

The JATC approved the following changes (changes are bolded and italicized) to the Statement of Policy, Section III. OJT Work Reports, Part B. to be effective March 1, 2018:

Any report received in the JATC office after the tenth (10th) day of the month is late. Apprentices will not receive their pay advancement to the next period (classification) of apprenticeship until all of their late or missing work monthly work reports are turned in to the JATC. Apprentices will be assessed a penalty of a one month delay in receiving their pay advancement to the next period (classification) of apprenticeship for each monthly work report that is submitted late.

The JATC has made continual efforts to remind apprentices to get caught up with monthly work reports and to remain current with the submittal of monthly work reports. There are many apprentices that are not current in submitting these and have late/missing work reports.

The following are tips to help you accurately document the various work processes listed on monthly work reports:
